apparently blogger has changed it's login defaults....used to be that if you signed in once and checked remember me you were automatically on without ever having to re-log....but there is now apparently a time limit....a week maybe....Because i've had to re-log for two straight fridays....oh well....don't see the reason but .....(trollie scratches head and moves on)
frustrating day....found an inventory glitch which i can't figure out....Have no dang idea of where it came from or where the missing material went.......and it's not like somebody could walk off with a couple of 1 ton pallets....obviously an entry or math error but for the life of me i can't find it.....
need to work briefly both tomorrow and sunday as with production now working 24/7 there are inventory concerns that need to be dealt with on a daily basis.....
got home late this evening , had a late load so the evening has been a little off....never ate dindin til almost 6 so was starving and probably ate to much so now i feel pretty loggie........oops....sluggish would probably be a more universally recognizable term......was warm (high 30'sF) and rainy all day which has got be stiff as a arthritis does not respond well to this kind of weather....from my perspective....from the arthritis's perspective it probably loves this weather because it been raising hob with me all day.......night all
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