Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Monday, July 7, 2003

damp, humid and rainy most of the day but not guite as hot, was kind of a weird day at work, the gm was out last week so i had a couple of thinks to play catch up on because i needed his approval before proceeding.....had a truck come in with a delivery, and it turned into the truckload from h*ll.....we buy lead at 45000 lbs per load, which fills up a vary small part of a 53 foot trailer, well for some unknow reason rather the parcel it out some in front blocked in, some in the middle and some on the tail, they ran one line straight up the middle of the trailer, bundled with strapping but neither on pallets or blocked in, well half way here the whole load shifted to one side of the trailer and almost caused it to tip, the driver got help getting it back in the center and blocking it , but several of the bands broke and the load as a loose nightmare...could get the forks under the bundles because of the design of the pigs (oops....shop talk...ingots which by the way weight 60 lbs a peice....30 per bundle) but barely had control over them.....well to make a long story short an unload that should have taken 1 man about 45minutes took 3 of us about 2 hours....sheeeshhh!!!!!.....i'm getting to old for that sh*t.......(/rant)
raining so stayed in tonight, just kicked back and relaxed....actually feel pretty good tonight......off to surf

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