Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

i am dog tired tonight ( i hope my cats don't read this they hate it when i use dirty words)....slept really poorly last night...just couldn't get comfortable.....don't have to be in until 8 tomorrow and then thursday and i'm done for the week...4 of july holiday....tomorrow is the annual concert in the park....the SSO ( sorry Syracuse Symphony) comes up and plays a concert of light classical music in the park just above where i live....one of the weird things is that over the last few years it has become traditional in the US to play the 1812 overature at 4th of july concerts.....i think it probably started with the boston pops but anyways....most years an artillary unit from the 10th Mountain division comes and supplies the cannon which is included in Tchaik's score.....well they point the damn things over the city and of couse they use blanks but they are aim in the general direction of my house and less that a half a mile away....a fact that my cats find quite disturbing ....we usually come back to find most of the cats under a bed and at least one hanging from the ceiling....well not really but they really dislike the noise..jenny who is now in that big sandbox in the sky used to make a point of bitching the hell out of me every year as if it was my fault.....well i suppose from her perspective it was but since i have no one to go up to the concert with this year, and i can see the fireworks afterward almost as well from a lawn chair in my front garden i think i'll pass......did not play golf tonight....had played 4 days in a row (no where near a record) and thought i had a rehersal but apparently it was canceled and no one told me....or i forgot.....either is possible.....i sometime thing i'd forget my head if it wasn't attached......( the sound you hear is the brook trollie babbling).......i guess i will call it at night..........

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