I'm confused...the first two years i went to college the school was in Johnson City,NY and was called Baptist Bible Seminary.....it moved to Clark's Summit,PA and became Baptist Bible College.....which it was when i graduated...later changed to Baptist Bible College and Seminary....same location...went looking for it tonight online....no luck....after a little digging found out it's now called Summit University.....still in Clark's Summit PA.....but the real gag is it's actually in Clark's Green PA......anyways........
the real question is where do i tell peeps i went to school..............
[as confused as i am i hope i can find my bridge, with something less then a 5 man scouting party]
[ by the by i don't get the alumni newsletters.......multiple transgressions....and i wouldn't want it any other way]
the real question is where do i tell peeps i went to school..............
[as confused as i am i hope i can find my bridge, with something less then a 5 man scouting party]
[ by the by i don't get the alumni newsletters.......multiple transgressions....and i wouldn't want it any other way]