Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, December 4, 2015

i got an email today...basically we saw you blog and wanted to get me to review their product for a couple of cans of  their product.....now i'm maybe slower then i once, but i'm still pretty quick when hitting the "Report as Spam" button...i could make a little scratch [aka money]...if i ran ads on my blog(s)...but for me that defeats the purpose of a blog, well at least from my perspective..but enough of this...there's nutty things to talk about...
one of those late fall days which normally get me down...low 40's*F...grey slate skies....damp...windy...but have had a mellow day...brief walk...trip to the bank for cash...a typical [at least for me] breakfast [ no one ever expects the etymology link for the word breakfast...[link]]...OJ and an egg & sausage sandwich....just finished a snack , a mix of good olives, and a nice sheep's milk cheese...feeling very good...but when i feel this good can the madness be far away....so buckle your seat belts .........thinks could get weird.........

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