Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

i've been thinking today about some of the nutty things that have happened and came up with 2 beauts;
my brother and law and i were running a 20k race thru Binghamton NYS.........iirc it was the first competitive 20k i ran........so being inexperienced i didn't think to 'relieve' myself before the start......so just under half way i had a problem........i was in the middle of the downtown area at the time....and ahead of me were twin railroad overpasses with a narrow space between them.......took a detour between them and took care of the problem.......got back on course.......ran about 50 yards, a right turn and there was a water station, manned [as it were] by a bunch of girl scouts.......as difficult as it maybe while running.....i laughted for the next 100 yards......
we where running a 20k in Phelps  NYS.......was running with this crazy dude from Rochester...passed an old bar......big front porch.......bunch of farmers in rocking chairs.....drinking beer....quote one 'you guys running from your wives'........responded my friend.......' no we're running from your wife'..........said i 'are you crazy' said he 'we can out run them'.......i replied ' they have pickup trucks'........his response was ' expletive deleted'.............

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