Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, September 5, 2008

I must be honest at this point…because when all is revealed I might be considered a “little league parent”…you would be wrong but I will give the facts and it is what it is…

I exposed my D to every sport that there was…and also to the world of miniature war gaming and all of the above…mind you she was excellent and feared in the local group at 7 or 8…

But there was only one consuming passion in her life…and that was music…what a surprise… her mom was a piano/organist and her dad…(that’s me) was a classical choral high tenor…amateur but not bad…from 9 or 10 her only goal was to be a musician…I frankly would have preferred for her to explore her gift in military tactics or polysci…but I wasn’t a “little league parent” it was her life not mine…and I did everything I could to help her achieve her goals not mine…a couple of high profile summer camps and she got a DI academic full ride…and now teaches instrumental music …not what I wanted but what she wanted…have I made my point…

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