Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, January 31, 2003

Microsoft's Got Worms , wow read this article, but i wished the author would not have held back and told us what they really thought about MS.......wheeeeee!!!!!!!
schubert and tea......it's his birthday today....i mean schubert i have no idea when tea was born....i mean maybe tea does have a birth date, after all at least one beer has a born on date........end of the week and i'm just flat beat.....don't have to go in tomorrow may drive down to dick's sporting goods in the 'cuse tomorrow.....i know i can't play golf for probably another 8-10 weeks but just the smell of new golf equipment should help me shake the winter blahs.......
Seeking a saint for the Internet, no really...i couldn't have made this one up......but shouldn't the front runner be St. Al Gore..........(rimshot)
the service i've been using for image hosting is no longer going to be free, i've spent sometime looking for a new host and really can't find one that i want to try....i probably will just let it ride...i guess i could give the moths a scare and open my change purse but images really aren't what the site is about anyhow....come to think of it i don't have the foggist idea what this site is all about, but i'm quite sure it's not about visual images..........
have been sorting through a rather typical last friday of the month, must get my march raw material reqs in, order bits and pieces of supplies.....and dodge all the other bull crap that comes with friday........why do people leave everything to the end of the week and then expect that i'll have time to deal with it when it hits my desk....after all i've also left everything to the end of the week and my desk is already filled.....(hehe)

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Long hours at computers may cause blood clots, and before you say "that's the reason trollie is so weird, the clods the article refers to are in the legs....not the butt....
Breast-feeding by Vegetarians Linked to Health Ills in Babies altough it would seem based on a very small sample, the babies suffer from a lack of B12 which is found in meat,fish,eggs,dairy products....only two cases mention, and in one case the mother was vegan, but it should at least give one pause
Unlikely Allies Influenced Bush To Shift Course On AIDS Relief . not only am i glad that we are going to attempt to help out in what amounts to a huge disaster, but if you read the article i'm very glad to see that some of my fellow evangelicals are finally grasping the obvious....this is a human issue...this is about peole suffering and in need this is not, i repeat not a morality issue..........
(pause while mind shifts gears, a bit of grinding....)
As Linux Nips at Microsoft, Its Advocates Talk Numbers
interesting article on Linux and the expansion of it's use, worth the read

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

i'm tired tonight...in fact i'm way past tired physical but the problem is that the mind is whirling around like a top, it rocks from side to side however at such a rate as to throw off any semblance of coherant thought....i probably should be writing this in pig latin, because then the spelling errors would be less obvious.........actually as i look back i'm really not sure what language i am writing in.......i've been trying to include at least one link a day, but i just don't have the energy to look for one so sue me.......
have been fooling round with something that isn't quite working the way i want it to on the blog so what's new, i sometimes thing that i missing the html/java gene........
yesterday was by far the easiest day i've had in a long time, today on the other hand has been very busy, under normal conditions most of what i've done won't have to be done, but winter in the northcountry is anything but normal, equipment gets frozen, trucks have traction propblems and 5 minute jobs can take two hours.........will probably start a second blog... a team effort with friend rick....it's an interesting friendship.... we are unalike in many ways.....we tend to disagree on most everything... and i think that that's the main reason we're friends....i hate it when i can't get a good arguement going ( i mean discussion).......but the purpose of the blog will be to take our verbal battles as it were public.....it should be entertaining if nothing else.......intellectual gymnastics if you will...in truth more like intellectual WWE ....and i do realize that that is an oxymoron....in fact it might be the oxymoron,,,

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

britten and tea, well actually i've got an empty diet coke but there will be a short break while i go get a cup ( and before you dirty minded people get the wrong idea that's a cup of tea not an a-cup....sheeeshhhh!!! get your mind out of the gutter, it's already crowded in here and i like to move around)....
i just took a look at the achives and realized that i've been blogging for 13 weeks today, i'm thinking of having a coin minted to honor the occasion.......have been trying to help friend rick (MacElf) get his blog going.....and have been reminded of the not to distant memory of me getting mine started....and i will get him for reminding me of that horror story...

and in the you could knock me down with a feather catagory...Secret Service investigates repeated RIAA hackings , i mean why would anybody what to get the RIAA......i mean what have they ever done to the internet community.........(hehe).........
what was that old saw about every cloud having a silver lining....Boost for hacker insurance
i've been re-reading my entries of late and was stuck by the fact that most were very short, and kind of one track, endless rantings about weather, not endless in lenght but i've got stuck on a theme...it's interesting how from time to time you do get stuck, we seem to be unable to let a thought or an action go....i'm sure at some point if i come back and read the posts from the last few days i'll have one of those oh man....reactions.....i've been letting the weather get the best of me and that craps got to stop......

Chinese hackers carried out worm attack: police this time, and who the next....the problem is not really the hacker...the problem is the software...you can't take advantage of a flaw that does not exist

Cell phones may cause "tunnel vision" now there is a revelation, sheeeshhhhh!!!!!! and they needed a study to figure that out....oh boy......i would say that that falls into the catagory of obvious....

Monday, January 27, 2003

i'm as cold tonight as i think i have ever been, colder certianly then i have ever wanted to be, spent 4+ hours in a barely heated warehouse, i think it would have been warmer outside, at least the sun was shining, i'm not sure but i think my pilot light went out...wild day...busy and had to redo much when the computer system malfunctioned.....anyhow i'm starting to feel better now...
back into the freezer this morning, -23*f when i got up, friend has started a blog, will find him here, it's my fault he's blogging, but i can always claim insanity as a defense

Sunday, January 26, 2003

it's half time of the superbowl, not much of a game and by enlarge the ads have been dumb.......i watch as much for the ads as i do for the game and both have been flat..........i think i'll op out on the second half, and surf for a while, have had the blower out way too much today, have got probably all total about a foot of snow........
it's a snowy morning here, and i need to get out in an hour or so, this probably will be short, the snow blower is calling to me from the garage.......

Saturday, January 25, 2003

this has been a weird day blog wise, this is the second time in less then an hour that i've lost my archieves, site meter has been down all day, seeesshhhh!!!!!!!!!!!.......
here is a more recent article on the worm,
Internet traffic slowed by computer worm intereting article on the worm that infected the net earlier today, if you scroll down on the right you will find that as well as other virus alerts from a feed that i added last week.....
Western "human shields" head for Iraq this is one of several articles about westerners voluntarily going to iraq to act as "human shields", first of all i must state that i have mixed feelings about the potential for war in iraq, i do not it would seem place the same priority on the elimination of suddam as do the current administration, and i think there are more pressing issues both foreign and domestic, let me state for the record that the use of involuntary human shields is repulsive and i decry the loss of any civilian life in a war, however when one volunteers to be a human shield than imho he/she is no longer a "civilian" and in fact has become a combatant, and frankly if war does occur their presence should be ignored when selecting legitimate military targets, i pray that war does not occur, but if it does they have made a stand, and they alone are responsible for their fate
getting ready to leave work, had 3 or 4 things to finish up, so the weeked is about to begin, and frankly my weakend is ready for it( yah i know, where's the pun alert system when you need it), good news bad news....the good news is that's its about 50 degreed warmer today then yesterday's low, bad news part 1, it's still only about 20*F, bad news part 2- it's warm ebough to snow....we got probably 4-5 inches already and it's still coming down.......

Friday, January 24, 2003

tonight's musical fare is a deutsche grammophon disc, the heavens are sounding assorted choral works by assorted composers, mostly germans.....some really beautiful stuff, and a diet pepsi.......
New Mexico wants to fix 'Highway to Hell'
leave it to the federal government to name a road route 666, so what if it was the 6 major highway off route 66 and it made sense to some red tape pencil pusher, route 666 you've got to be kidding....
it is bitter cold here this AM, -30*F overnight, but from the forecast it looks like this will probably be the last of it for a while, supposed to be in the +20's by evening, the strange thing is that it will feel very warm at that temp, even though it isn't.....

Ultrapowerful X-Rays Reveal How Beetles Really Breathe, boy am i glad they finally figured that out, i was losing sleep over not know how they breathed......(yawn).......

Thursday, January 23, 2003

bach, and diet fresca...quiet night....tomorrow promises to be a hectic day...month end and other joys...but feel good tonight....but i'm in the midst of a dry spell as far as wit, or inventiveness as what to write, but i keep pounding the keys even when the well is dry, hoping that something will emerge....like a phoenix arising from the ashes of a burned out mind, but i'm afraid that the only thing that will rise is something from the asses......just the same old s___. ( sorry i'm repairing the pun alerts system)...........
temperature is hovering right round the 0*F mark this morning and it feels warm, after the last few mornings it is, at least relatively speaking, am in a mellow mood today....doesn't look like today will be really busy and will have sometime to catch up....
interesting article on the discovery of a dinosaur which glided on 4 feathered wings, kind of a neat looking critter....

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

no music tonight, just to dang tired to get up and start the machine and the remote is out of reach, i've got to remember to put it on the computer table....it was dang nah-bit cold here today, something around -25*F and i spend the first 2 1/2 hrs in a barely heated warehouse, i got so cold i think my pilot light went out.........still not really warm now and that was hours ago.......looks like it will stay cold thru the weekend....yip...yip...yippee.........
found an interesting article which has a bearing on the clone deal, it concerns the cat rainbow who was cloned to produce Cc, the two cats althought they have identical dna do not resemble each other, the original is a calico and the clone is grey on white, even body style is different, the article is here, i find it amusing because part of the hook of the idea of cloning is making a replica of yourself or your favorite pet.....well it seems like maybe it's a tad more complex then we first thought.......to qoute an old ad " it's not nice to fool mother nature".......i guess the old girl is having a good laugh over this one

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

i've decided that the site on the internet that gets the most hits has to be "page not availible", and while i'm on a rant, if it's one thing i hate more then your run of the mill pop ups, its the one that after you get rid of it they have the balls to hit you with a second one that wants to know if you want to make the %^$##& thing your home page.....seeeeshhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!... oh bless you for giving me a second chance, yes yes.................if bush really wants to go after terrorists and weapons of mass destruction then he should target spammers and those sobs who infest me with pop ups,..........they'll probably be the end of me long before the axis of evil will be...
it's -14*F as i write this and the cold mist/fog is rising off the black river which runs by the plant, it's getting to be a bit overcast now so has warmed up quite a bit the last couple of hours, was in the -25*F range overnight, it seems that this cold has not only chilled my bones but it has chilled my whole being, when it's cold for any lenght of time it seems that i not only tire physically but mentally as well, i long to be warm, i long to be able to take a walk in the warm spring air, of course as twain would say i spoil that walk but taking a long a bag of sticks, and hitting little white balls, but i would trend to disagree with twain and say the golf is a walk made infinitely better, in fact blogging is something that i do to replace golf, i will find it interesting to see if when i'm able to play again, probably mid april if the weather will allow it, if i still blog at a regular rate, at this point i don't know if blogging is just a passing fancy or if it will bore it's way into my being and consume me.........

Monday, January 20, 2003

i'm having one of those days where nothing makes sense to me, i've started to write something in the blog this evening about 4 different times, gotten half way through look back and realized that what i had written was at best gibberish and at the worst total unintelligable......it looked like pig latin but made even less sense........now i'm aware that even when i think i'm making sense i don't always achieve that goal, but it usually makes sense to me........i'm so over the edge tonight i'm even confounding and confusing me...in fact this is one of those days that the old gag applies...how do you confuse a troll, put him in a garbage can and tell him to sit in the corner.......
d'indy....and a diet fresca...so modern is the fare for this evening, original bought the cd for one cut, barber's adagio for strings imho one of the most hauntingly beautiful pieces ever writtn, but have come to enjoy the whole cd, in fact some might wonder if the overture to the school of scandal is not very appropiate for me
so i got up a little early, heard the plows last night, but it didn't look too bad, went out and surprise, we got about 7-8" of fresh snow, my car has a low ground clearance so no chance of driving thru it, but it blew out easy, if right now i was to chose the greatest invention of all time it would be the snow blower, in fact if the RC church is really interested in new saints let me humbly suggest the inventor of the snow blower..........

Sunday, January 19, 2003

i usually avoid commenting on things political unless they apply directly to me, but this one, i mean you've got to be kidding me, is it april fool's day or what, talk about letting the fox guard the chicken coop....
Libya poised to take human rights role
j.s.bach, art of the fugue a naxos disc, i really like the naxos line, they are realitive inexpense and you can try new things, styles, composers without investing much, and if you don't like it that you've bought yourself another drink coaster....but a cheap one... and the recording are actually quite good
both e a poe and robert e lee were born on this date, i loved reading poe as a teen but really haven't read much or any of him for years, i think i'll have to re-read some poe and see if age has change my opinion,
i was at gettysburg this spring, if i think about it later i'll dig through my photos and post the picture of the lee memorial from the battlefield, not lee's great hour for sure, but i really enjoyed kicking around the field for about 5 days, more monuments that you could shake a stick at

Saturday, January 18, 2003

no music tonight, except what runs around in my head, which can be anything from nursery rhymes, gospel, classical or alice cooper...it seems that my memory works best on tunes, and the last of the coffee, was alot warmer to day by comparision to last night, not warm at all really but it feels warm,......
White House Go-Ahead On NASA Nuclear Prometheus Project i am a rocket child, a grew up during the first rush of space exploration i was in grade school during the first sattelite launches, and was very excited with it all, but i must admit that i think the money could be best spend on the ground, rather then in space, i realize that there was much technology that was spun-off into the private sector, but i'm not sure how much this particular project would help me, i think i'll pass on a nuclear space heater, and i wouldn't want my neighbor to have one either, there goes the neighborhood literally
the music of C P E Bach and a diet coke....a quiet afternoon..just doing a little surfing...but really have found nothing to comment on yet.........(yawn).........
"we're havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave..."( aren't you glad this site ain'y rig for sound), it's 9*F this AM. which actually feels "warm" compared with last night, but still cold in the plant this am Rick (see taggie), i think i'm going to change counters or at least add a second one for comparision, obviously rick has been here recently but his hit doesn't show on the meter read out..
a a milne and daniel webster were born on this date, happy birthday guys.....

Friday, January 17, 2003

holst's the planets and coffee, fresh pot tonight, not the dregs like sometimes, but i need it hot,hot,hot tonight because i was cold,cold,cold all day, bell clear day which this time of the winter means it will get very cold.....it's -20*F as i write this (-31*F with the wind chill) and is predicted to hit an actually -30*F tonight.....as i've said before ...global warming makes little sense to me on days like today...if fact we're under a cold weather advisorary...imagine that...like no duh......did you know that Muhammad Ali and James Earl Jones were both born on this day, happy birthday guys..it's a little ironic i can remember as a boy when Ali became champ there was renewed talk of a "great white hope" and of course Jones played the black fighter( Jack Johnson although i believe in the move they used the name jefferson) in the movie, "The Great White Hope", one of those strange facts that probably means nothing more then strange things happen....
it's friday, that would be a relief but i have to work tomorrow for a few hours, have one more truck to load this afternoon, the load itself is pretty straight forward, but with the cold and the snow yoiu never know....he's also overdue
i should really try to have a more positive attitude about the cold weather, after all i really can't change the weather so all i can change is my attitude towards it, right but i'm having so much fun bitching about it that i probably won't

it is bitter cold here this am, got some snow overnight but the temp is dropping , predicted to be about -5*F tonight, somebody sent me this and it's kind of funny eventhough i disagree with the conclusioins what sex is your computer.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

holst,handel and bach all music either written for winds( the holst and the handel) or transcribed for winds, directed byfrederick fennel, the champion as it where of the wind ensemble.....i grew up playing in a band, what would now be termed a wind ensemble, and although i love all styles of music presentation, i have a soft spot when it comes to winds, true be told the soft spot is probably in my head but different story.....and a diet pepsi.......i think i've been cold for the last four days, but in truth at this point i really am having a hard time remebering when i was warm, well i guess spring is coming but can see the light at the end of the tunnel yet,
i hate this time of year, days are very short it was dark this morning as i drove to work, and will being getting on towards dark as i drive home tonight, unless i have to go out during the day, i don't see the light of day except though a narrow window, it's cold this am but not bitter, i guess it's no wonder that i have a real nasty case of "cabin fever", probably 3 months before i can play golf....auugghhh!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

the cup of coffee is getting cold, but it was the dregs of the pot so i'm stuck with it, have spend some time this evening firing up my old tri-gem computer, i have forgotten how slow a 200 w/32 megs of ram was, it's kind of weird, when i was growing up i was probably 10 or so before we had a tv, small screen, black and white, lots of "snow", rabbit ears, and tubes.....now a mere 45 years later,( ok so may 45 years really isn't mere) i've got two tv's and two computers going, and there are only two of us in the house, unless of course you count the cats, who's only interest in the computers is to sit on your lap when your trying to type, and if a net doesn't have tuna in it what good is it,
cold but bright and clear morning, got just a dusting of snow overnight....been comfortable busy this AM........which is a pleasant change from the usual frenzy that i often find myself in....
here an article on "bushisms and other new words in english....

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

haydn the london symphoniesand a diet pepsi.........was bitter cold all day here but it will warm up a little most of the rest of the week mid teens to 20's F......got really chilled this AM and have finally warmed up but i'm tired and kind of out of it tonight, but that i think is a pretty common reaction to being cold, at least it's how it usually effects me,

trollie came in because he was old
tis the way the story was told
with ice on his chin
he managed a grin
but boy he sure did look cold

It�s one of those northcountry mornings when the cold seems to have a life of it�s own, it cuts through all your feeble attempts to protect yourself from it and cuts right through to the bone. On mornings like this
I have a hard time accepting that any argument in favor of the theory of global warming has any validity.
Not that I have ever bought completely that argument, it seems to me that there is enough data to support the fact that temperatures are cyclic. But this is not a idea based on intellect, but rather on personal feelings, I�m just too cold to believe. Facts, reports, findings and the like can convince some, but I guess I must have roots in the stock that holds �seeing is believing� or in this case �freezing is disbelieving..�
cold bitter day, the plant sits along the black river, and that bone chilling mist/fog that will come off it when it is very cold was rising today, although on the upside the sun is shining on the snow and in a stark way it is quite beautiful, does little to get me out of the mid-winter blahs but it is beautiful....

Monday, January 13, 2003

pretty good day at work, busy all day but not hectic........just busy......a little dvorak and a little string quartets with a diet pepsi, those who are observant amoung you will notice that those where also mentioned over the weekend, fear not...no addiction just lazy, that's what was in the machine and the remote is close.....really bitter cold late afternoon, but had to clean up the mess in the drive that this mornings fun produced, because of the closeness of another drive can only blow the snow north, i'll give you two guesses which direction the wind was blowing, what a riot, got very cold plus i looked like a yehti, okay a yehti out of a low budget film, but a yethi none the less.......
sheeessshh!!!! what a way to start a day, little bit of a pile in the nose of the driveway but if figured i could drive thru it, well i figured wrong...like the idiot that i am i forgot the new car is much lower then the old one, got royally stuck, well to be precise i got hung up, peter c happened by and pulled me out or i probably would have had to wait for the spring thaw......( muttering verging on a grand 4 letter word opera in 3 acts, all disgusting)

Sunday, January 12, 2003

and now for something completely different, Stripper-Turned-Mayor Acquitted in Colo.
string quartet music, haydn and beethoven, proformed by the lindsays.... and coffee, very good string quartet...strange mood this morning, usually some thought goes into the selection of my music, what mood am i in, do i need to enforce it or try to blow myself out of it...what haven't i listened to lately... but this morning it was just grab something off the shelf and jam it in the player....
Governor Assails System's Errors as He Empties Illinois Death Row this move is bound to cause a swirling debate, my real problem with the death penalty is that fact that there is no foolproof way to avoid occasionally executing an innocent man/woman, and although sending one to jail is bad enough at least that's retrievable, i hope that the debate sparks some judicial reform in the US but i'm guessing all it will spark is a huge brewhaha, and most states will inact laws restricting the governor's right to pardon and commute prisoners,

Saturday, January 11, 2003

dvorak, slavonic dances op. 48 and 72 with the sisters labeque on dual pianos and a diet pepsi.... i should be watching the nfl playoffs, not because i have much interest but it will be the main topic at work next week, oh heck they already thing i'm weird and strange, so what if i'm listen to classical music and pounding keys rather then brewskis.......and i'm not weird and strange.......i'm strange and weird ... i know i'm splitting hairs but i like to be accurate especially when dealing with my personality or lack of there of..
mozart...excepts from the magic flute..i'm not much of an opera buff, never been to one although i might go to one performed in the buff, but then if that was so way sing......i love the operatic overtures, and some of the incidental music, but that's about it, magic flute is really the exception...and the cold dregs of a cup of coffee.......slooooow morning......i must admit a deep seated addiction to deep fried haddock....a little place in town does a wounderful job on icelandic haddock.......yah i know deep fried is bad for you but frankly i don't give two hoots,........it is a long standing addiction that probably has as much to do with fond memories of childhood as it does with anything else.....when i was quite small, once a year a church where my grand parents lived would have a fish fry and grampa and i would go get this heavenly smelling deep fried haddock, it would tempt me in the car on the way home( we always got take out)...i can't smell it with out thing of days gone by..........i realize that there is something that probably smells a little fishy about this story but it is as true as a fading memory can recall.......

Friday, January 10, 2003

tchaik 5 and serenade for strings and tea.......we're right on the edge of a lake snow band, knock on wood (visual: troll rapping nuckles on head), but we're not to get hit too bad, but just below us might get 24"-30"........2 days off and boy i need it, i just don't seem to handle the physical side of the job the way i used to.....i actually used to enjoy the physical side....but as i get older i don't...i doubt it's that i'm more mature or smarter, i just don't handle it well..........part of it is i don't tolerate the winter like i did when i was younger, i never really have enjoyed winter...but at least i did loathe it the way i do now, but all my ties are to this forsaken freezer and i would miss the summers which are lovely...short but lovely........in fact i played golf everyday last summer, i think i played 3 times...(rim shot)...
trollie can die happy now i've heard it all Golfer blames duck dung for missed qualifying putt, now that's got to rank(pun intended) right up there with the dog ate my homework.....
tgif........busy day ahead so what's new......have added some new links over the last few days....mostly to kids from the blogboard...

there once was a girl named Grace
she dressed most often in lace
when she came my way
i had nothing to say
but threw a pie in her face

Thursday, January 9, 2003

i sit here tonight, staring at the screen, i want to write, i need to write, but what to write, somedays things strike me and i'm compelled to write about it, may be seriously but most frequently in a a sarcastic, hopefully witty way, but no subject tonight compels me, maybe i'm just too tired tonight to give a crap about anything, and yet i must write, not because people will read, i really don't care but i must .......if i sit here long enough maybe some thought will inspire to write something profound, but tonight i would be satisfied with profane, mundane, or even trivial.........
i've played a little with the taggie, changed the font size, and added a little to the width, some one asked if i could do that, old eyes and thought it was difficult to read, i told them two answers, can it be done...yes....can i manage to do it with out screwing it up.....??? but it seems like i did accomplish it with no huge errors.........exceptway iway ightmay avehay angedchay ethay aunguagelay ettingssay....(hehe....yah i know he's on the pig latin kick again)........
more snow overnigth, not much but i thing the local DPW decided to put it all in the end of my driveway........grrrrrrr.......

Wednesday, January 8, 2003

bbc mag cd which features works by 4 female composers of the 19th century, when that was really not considered to be a proper thing for a lady to do.......i'm very glad that these 4 bucked the trend/fashion of the day........i'm absolutely exhasted tonight, brutal day at work, got on about half of what i really needed to get done today done......but i've got help tomorrow( was alone in the dept today) and nothing major on the schedule so should get caught up......but then again you never know.....really don't have the where with all to even thing about writting any think wiity or intelligent tonight.......so what's new.......
Canadian Geese Demand Membership At Private Country Club i've been following the fracas over ANG and Ms Burke.......no comment but this is funny
snowy morning.....looks like another crazy day here....from the taggie friend rick stopped by last night and left his mark, i'm attempting to seduce rick to the darkside of the web(aka blogging).....his comment reflects the fact that he has today off...like me modesty and humility are unknow qualities, but to some extant he is right, if he's not there the only things discussed in the lunch room are sports, nascar, the size of a woman's_____(fill in the blank with your favorite body part) and how many beers they drank last night.....very enlightening conversation....ZZZZZZZZZZZZ............

Tuesday, January 7, 2003

the music of wagner and a diet cherry coke.........i love wagner......in the summer time i love to drive thru public square (traffic circle in the middle of town) with the flight of the valkyie blaring from the tape player, everybody gets out of my way....i don't know if it's the music or the double bitted war axe...?????.....although i doubt that if you were moody it would be a good idea to listen to some of the ring music........you'd probably take a header off a bridge.....just don't use my bridge i hate cleaning up the mess......i feel better now, got my anti-social feelings out and taken care of........you must forgive me but i'm barely house broke......had a bad morning and tomorrow probably will be a beaut........
Black hole grumbles in the Milky Way's centre i just have to giggle at that headline........i can thing of several ways to pun and play with it but i'll leave that to your imagination, but the article goes on to mention that it is in the Sagittarius Constellation which i find personally funny....having dec 12th as a birth day

this day has been absolutely bonkers. it's calmed down this afternoon but this morning was a mad house, have a load for tomorrow that will be very tight getting it all in a 20' container, it will definitely be a blivvet you probably will not find that word in you dictionary, unless you have a english/troll edition, the meaning is quite obscure, it means 10 lbs of crap in a 5 lb bag.......so know you know........and i hope it haunts you all the days of your life.........

Monday, January 6, 2003

haydn and vivaldi.....choral works and tea........had i weird and wacky day at work but then that is the rule rather then the exception...which is just the reverse of who i am.....i seem to be the ultimate exception to almost any rule i can thing of....sometimes i wish that i was more normal.....that i actually gave a fart in a windstorm for what people thought...but i just do what i think or imagine is right and let the chips fall where the may........probably can be tranced to growing up in the 60's......and for you wise guys out there that is the 1960's..........have signed on with a couple of webrings.........i'm not really concerned with traffic.....well at least not i a big way.........my goals are rather modest in that respect.......even though in many ways modest is something of which i have little knowledge but that's a different subject completely......
well i've survived the day without a melt down...well 7/8 of it anyway and have started to feel i bit better..has been snowing a little but nothing major....really have two or three jobs that need to be done but hasve no time to start as they are way to complicated to finish..
here is a thought provoking article on the clone/realian deal, well worth the read.....
ohim.........i'm in a really horrid mood this AM.......i really hope this day runs smooth or we could be in for a melt down.......i need time away...which is kinda silly because i've had time off with the holidays but that didn't seem to help........alum.........alum..... oh.@#$$%
ah much better, there's nothing like a four letter aria

Sunday, January 5, 2003

bach's mass in b minor bwv 232,la petite band.......beautiful work but one that is not often done in complete form......runs almost 2 hrs......and a fresca........back to the bach.....i really like the first part of the credo and the crucifixus(credo part5) which iirc was used in the movie Ben Hur.....quiet day, have just relaxed all afternoon......haven't watched any of the playoff games....need to go out later which is kind of a bummer but can't duck it.......have decided to place a moratorium on adding anything to the site code wise, i've got a little carried away with it.......but it's a first blog and i guess i needed to play with what was availible.......i will give it a rest for a while and just consentrate on trying to find a direction for the written content......of course that would be much easier if i had a better idea of my personal direction, which i haven't.........it's sad really........here i am 55 years old and i have no idea what i want to be when i grow up..........most who know me would probably say that there is no need to hurry because i'll probably never grow up.............i'm not sure their wrong.......and frankly not sure i really care... but i do wish i could come up with some theme......i thought of maybe a golf blog but if i did that i would probably start a second one........i'm not sure i want to try keeping up with two....
anywho i will be thinking on my direction......hoperfully up and not down.........however more likely sidewise and twisted.......
baroque trumpet concertos and coffee......i always thought that i was about as wacky as you could get, but i realize now i'm just not up to snuff.......i've been following the clone/raelian deal in the press, you want to check out something weird, here's a link to the raelianhome page .......real a class site...all the bells and whistles....but the content.....far out..literally..........i'm in an ugly nasty grumpy mood this AM........woke early........very strange dream.....way beyond normal........one might even call it a nightmare.......which i rarely have......very dark and sinister.....i'm not really disturbed by the content so much as i wonder how your mind can produce something like that......and no i don't want to talk about the content...too strange...

back to my first thought........why clones......i think that what we have here is one of the deals where we can, so we should.......why.....
is it ego...i'm so great i want to produce another just like me.......of course you won't....because you couldn't duplicate all the other facts which produced your personality......is this the final step in our ascendance to "godhood".........we can create......but of course we aren't really creating...just re-arranging what already exists.....i just don't get it......

dang...i'm to serious this morning......i need to get out of this funk

right on cue.......i got what i need to get me back on track.....in the middle of this att kicked me off, and therefore ticked me off..i'm fine now........i must start composing on word pad or something and cutting and pasting to blog.....

the tollie is in a bad funk
which hit as he rolled from his bunk
but you must beware
he'll go on a tare
and cleanout all this serious junk

Saturday, January 4, 2003

copeland and tea.........quiet night....am tired but mind is whirling around at a 100 mph as usual...... i was going to say that i would probably just lay there counting the holes in the ceiling tiles and totally blanked on how to spell ceiling...i tried what i thought it was in spell check and got as one of the options "cellulitis" i guess that means i wasn't close........if you read this blog you will probably find misspells all over the place, i never was very good at spelling.......that's why i got throw out of warlocks school.........(rim shot).......it's terrible how i'll spend 3 lines setting up what amounts to an insult to all humorists everywhere... but that's the kind of guy i am.....i've always enjoyed playing with words, i cannot spell 'em but i enjoy playing with them......reminds me about why golf and sex are the same...you don't have to be good at it to enjoy it...........i guess i'd have to include blogging in with the other two.........
copeland and grofe....and a fresca.........i'm feeling a little off this PM, physically i mean,i'm always a little off mentally,....ok..ok a whole lot off mentally.........i'm probably so far off i'm actually back on again...........have decided that the mouse clock stays...i don't know if i've gotten used to it or if i don't feel like trudging thru the code on the template looking for it and deleting it with my usual fear that i will actually delete something important.......of course important is a relative term in light of the fact that nothing in this slag heap is important.........
anonymous 4 portrait is floating in the room and have an empty can of fresca, .....have set up a webring if you have a blog or for that matter any personal web site you will be considered, just click on the webring gif down on the right and follow the yellow brick road.......the only requirement is that your site has to be better looking and have better content then this slag heap that i call my blog,.... (hehe)..... that ain't a very high standard at all.......snow has stopped for the time being.......

there once was a man name of roger
who liked the old brooklin dodger
he had an old hat
an old wooden bat
an old coot he was a,real codger

now this guy we know name of roger
took on a young female lodger
she burn his old hat
and swung his old bat
he was slow and just couldn't dodge her

britten, the young person's guide to the orchestra subtitle variations and fugue on a theme of purcellit was written for an educational film, to show off the instruments of the orchestra but is a really neat peice because it does just that, even if your not a young person,recorded on this cd (virgin classics) by royal liverpool po...and a cup of java.....black and hot....got about 3" of snow overnight which is on the low end of the prediction...still snowing but very lightly....i guess that change is and always will be part of this process we call life, although i've always loved the classics i've never been one to embrace the work of the 20th century much perfering the baroque and classical period, but have recently become semi-addicted to some of the more approachable 20th century composers.....however have gotten into medieval chant and polyphony as well, so go figure
i've got a little nuts lately on adding bells and whistles to this rotting sewer that is my excuse for a blog, i think i'm going to call a freeze on that and just get back to why i was doing this in the first place, i mean i'd like to do that but quite frankly i can't remember why that was or what i was doing.......archives i'll check the archive.......eeeeeeeeeeeeeeck!..........i guess that wasn't a good idea...

Friday, January 3, 2003

it should be relatively easy to see that i found a source for java script, as plain as the clock on your mouse, i'm not sure i love it or hate it but i think i'm going to live with it a few days before i decide......left the string trios in from last night, has to do more with being lazy and having a remote then picking it for or on it's own merits......2 days to hang out and not have to work.......feeling better this pm....just hanging and surfing.........
just a slow day so far, nothing major shaking....got a dusting of snow overnight, bit more headed our way....have discovered the marquee tag, and have added something down on the right,.......it's interesting how me and blogging has evolved, at first it was all about just having a place to vent, my first thought was not to add or mess with the code/content/appearance...just vent..but like a little kid with a new toy.......when i was a kid i always would take things apart to see how they worked, i was very good at taking things apart, problem was i was very bad at getting them back together again, always seemed like i had parts left over......this place is getting to be a bit like my closet at home........just a jumble of seemimgly unrelated items, throw together with and in no particular order......actually my mind is a lot like that........this site really is a fair representation of the mind of the troll, i guess it is anyway, i lost my mind several years back so i'm trying to remember what it was like, but i'd say it's pretty close..
i've been seduced by the darkside of blogging i've started to fool with code............hissssssss.......i am you father......hisssssss

Thursday, January 2, 2003

string trios are the musical fare for the evening, beethoven followed by schubert, another of the bbc mag cds, and coffee, the weatherman says we are to get some snow over the next 48 hours, maybe as much as a foot, as much as i hate snow, i hate an open winter more, very little snow and cold kicks the snot out of the perennials in the garden, have spend sometime tonight downloading conversion files to up grade my links ls courses to links2003 format, and will probably kick that around later, was talking to rene at work today, talking about starting a team blog in pig latin, which we both think would be a gas, anyone interested give me a blast(taggie or email), another idea might be to create several ( or just a couple) of indepedent ones and link them with a webring......something like omotepray igpay atinlay........ok i agree i'm on one of my hair brain binges again, but wait 5 minutes i'll probably drop this one and head off in a totally different, but just as useless direction............

what a mismatched day, on one hand there was just a beautiful sunrise this AM, but was warm yesterday, except for the banks of dirty snow much of it is gone, but it's cold this AM, really ugly....kind of a beauty and the beast day......trollie feels a little unwell today....

Wednesday, January 1, 2003

masses and motets of Byrd and Tallis, interesting pieces both musically and politically, both were writing in Tudor england, at a time when there was much religious strife, in fact the mass in 4 voices of tallis was written during the reign of Elizabeth, when the celebration of the mass was outlawed, on a cd i got several years ago thru the BBC music mag. have woken up but kinda in afoul mood................in other words everything is back to normal
shubert #5 and 8, the unfinished and tea.........went out this AM to run some errands, am feeling i bit better, but still really one of those days which invokes a total lack of interest on my part
woke up today very well ...i don't know, as if i was stuck in wet cement and even the slightest action on my part took the supreme effort, effort i neither had or in any case was willing to expend.....listened to 3 haydn string quartets and now have some britten playing, 2nd cup of coffee and i now feel like i have some resources to expend, i still don't have the slightest inclination to use them but they are waiting in the wings and you never know........it's not lazy really...i think it's the early days of a good old case of cabin fever..suffer from the old complaint every winter, i'm not into winter sports, anymore the only outdoor "sport/game/activity(s)" i'm really into are gardening and golf.........neither as much fun or can you accomplish much with snow on the ground.......and there are only so much benefit from looking at seed catalogs or playinglink2003 .......