Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, January 11, 2003

mozart...excepts from the magic flute..i'm not much of an opera buff, never been to one although i might go to one performed in the buff, but then if that was so way sing......i love the operatic overtures, and some of the incidental music, but that's about it, magic flute is really the exception...and the cold dregs of a cup of coffee.......slooooow morning......i must admit a deep seated addiction to deep fried haddock....a little place in town does a wounderful job on icelandic haddock.......yah i know deep fried is bad for you but frankly i don't give two hoots,........it is a long standing addiction that probably has as much to do with fond memories of childhood as it does with anything else.....when i was quite small, once a year a church where my grand parents lived would have a fish fry and grampa and i would go get this heavenly smelling deep fried haddock, it would tempt me in the car on the way home( we always got take out)...i can't smell it with out thing of days gone by..........i realize that there is something that probably smells a little fishy about this story but it is as true as a fading memory can recall.......

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