Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, September 3, 2004

i'm sitting here debating with myself what to do for dinner, would be a much easier choice if i could decided what i felt like eating, but really can't make up my mind as i feel like i've been beaten down so bad today i can't see over my socks.......
had an inbound first thing this morning which usually takes less then 45 minutes to unload.....well the pallets weren't banded correctly and after using every trick i could think of finally got the load done in 2 and one half hours.......oy vey.......so by the time i got that done i was basically stressed to the max.......
then the outbound was late....and i caught a driver with very little english, this makes for an interesting time trying to communicate, particularly if there is anything out of the usual with the load....which of course there was......so by the end of the day...which is now....i'm all in.....but am getting hungry so will have to decide one way or the other about dinner soon........

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