Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Today was a day that was a good day, one that went quite well with some interesting twists…my commitment to church went find…and went to my fav Sunday lunch spot…a Chinese buffet…about halfway through my meal my bro, his wife and 2/3 of their kids came in so I finish the last part of my meal with them…they were going to Albany today to return middle child to college and son to train to NYC…just hung out the rest of the day and watched some tube…reruns of “I want to be a high school cheerleader again”…pathetic I know but finally my fav won, watch some of the local coverage of the NYS high school football championships and two section III teams won ….(local area)…and watched the Iron chef America holiday contest and although closer then I’d thought it was Paula/Cat…won…but to see Cat’s helper Cori Lynn…dressed as an Elf…at 9’ tall and 700 lbs I admit was a little weird…( okay she’s not quite that big).
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the US of A…read harvest festival…and I have 3 invites for meals that I can’t refuse…Thanksgiving is all about family and friends…the days surrounding it are the highest volume travel days in the US of A…everyone tries to get “home”…I’ve been invited to my daughter’s at 1 PM…to my sis’s …well she hasn’t decided yet but since my nephew and his lady will be home I need to get there even if it’s just for dessert…and then got a call from my best bud in the hood…he and his lady are making a feast…and need to stop there late even if it’s a bit of turkey and some dressing between two slices of bread…and a beer…
The days are turning cold here…pre-winter is upon us…
I have a love hate relationship with my hometown…I love March though early November, and hate late November thought February…Winter in upstate NYS sucks…Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Today was not a half bad day…got some disturbing mail but have time and the resources to respond…a couple of nice walks…chat with friends both real and “virtual”…and my fav supper…a little sausage…a little cheese…and a little fruit…fruit being a nice Asian pear…and cat Smokey enjoyed the fine Fontinella cheese as much if not more then I did…and pound for pound she ate more then I did….
It turned a tad cold today…but then it is the first of November…and this is the northcountry…and October has been rather unseasonably warm…
I avoid All Hallow’s Eve …if you were me won’t you…(no explanation given…but speculate)