Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, May 10, 2003

am taking a break, have been working on a landscaping project in the back corner of the yard...have a sloped spot with very little light and it's the only undeveloped as it were spot on the yard.......it's very narrow and faces north, also where th wash lines are...i'm using some landscape timbers to level it a little....will have to add some topsoil and then in the one spot that gets some light will probably sow some shade loving ground cover.....maybe some wild flowers, and in the spot that gets like no light at all, probably place some pavers.....but that may wait until another day......changed my mind a little about half way thru and have to get some different fastners...but i've been messing around a bit much and my knees have filed an official protest with the pain department of my brain....so i am taking time to process their request.......

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