Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Thursday, June 12, 2003

mostly classical and warmed over coffee.....khai and i have a running gag about coffee in general and my habit of drinking warmed over breakfast coffee in the evening, which reminds me she had something on her site a couple of days ago about cats taking over the world one bed at a time.....which brings to mind my nearly nightly stuggles for my bed with anyone or several of my 3 cats...you have not lived until 3 cats decide to hold an over the top battle royale in the middle of your bed at 3 o'clock in the morning (complete with pyrotechnics) or wake up with a start in the morning to see the owl like face of lilly 2 inches from your nose with that look that says now that your up, feed me.......or try to post something to your blog when a cat is sitting in your lap praticing her butt typing skills.....one learns very soon with cats who is really the boss and it ain't you..........had to go back into work briefly tonight to teach a forklift class....and need to stay late tomorrow to teach anyother......oh joy.......

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