Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, August 7, 2021

 *[16:25 UTC-4]*[+82*F_partly cloudy_winds from w/s/w@10 mph_humidity:57%_barometer:29.98"\/_overnight Lo:64*F_cloudy w/a stray shower/T-storm possible_winds from the s/s/e@5>10 mph_humidity:90%_Sunday's Hi:+84*F_AM:party cloud/PM:a 40% chance of scattered T-storms_winds light&variable_humidity:72%_overnight Lo:+68*F_partly cloudy w/a stray shower/T-storm possible_winds light&variable_humidity:83%]*[On MT-Today's Playlist]*
*[17:42 UTC-4]..I sit-here..fresh from my daily shower & taking of my meds..after I started the draft for today with the /usual weather decided to take a walk 'round the oft mentioned "loop" & enough shade was available for my short sit-down on the benches at the intersection..earlier after completing my online game play for the day I had a quick lunch..warmed up the half of a sausage sub mentioned yesterday & the short walk to first The Thrift Store..was looking for another pair of walking shorts..didn't see anything I wanted & then to Dollar General..just a 6-pack of Dr Pepper..had a chat with the assistant manager..I had been getting some of the smaller legal tablets there & they been out of them for awhile..she said as far as she knew they would get some in soon..../....the day other then that ran smooth..a nice quiet day..../....When I was a kid there was a 1/2 hour TV cop-show called "Dragnet" (most shows were 1/2 hour than..far lass commercials) the lead character was detective Joe Friday..& he had a classic line.."Just the facts ma'am just the facts" & in this age of the 24 hour news cycle I'm feeling a kinship to old Joe..when I was a kid the news was just that..just the facts..& opinion/editorials were separated from the news..but today you can watch/read "news" about the same event & depending on the POV of the station/newspaper..you get two different stories..don't get me wrong..I'm not singling out one side or the other of the current debate on political/social/moral issues..I find both sides as guilty of it as the other..I'm a rational..logical..well educated & well read adult..I'd appreciate it if you just gave me the facts..I am capable of making up my own mind..funny thing is..although I do sometimes pick one side or the other..most times I see the good/bad in both & end up with a hybrid view somewhere in the middle..[end rant]..../....just my evening meal to prepare & devour & some look-ins on my FB groups..ergo.."nite all"....[18:10 UTC-4]..../....

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