Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, June 17, 2017

  It's late, well check that, It's actually early, but as happened from time to time sleep evades me, must be all the off shifts I worked when I was still working, been either on disability or retired for several years.....not only long hours on different shifts.....well that is quite true......for many years i carried a pager.......24 hours a day and 7 days a week.......and even when I was off, the dang thing could go off, even on days off or even vacation...the dang thing would go off, and I was expected to respond...in fact I had to alert the plant that I might be out of pager range for a fixed period of time, and I'd come home and there would be several messages, now don't get me wrong I was well paid for the inconvenience......I realize that pagers are now as extinct as the dinosaurs, slide-rules, and 8 tracks....and at least in industry I'm thankfully just as extinct......but my W loved the dang thing, I never should have given her the number, but that is another story which quite frankly I will never tell......
  A quiet day, slept well into the fore noon....and although I from time to time blame other things about why I can't sleep, I must admit that the problem is mine and mine alone, there are times, even though my body is exhausted, my mind is like a bag of angry cats......snarling, hissing, and scratching.......the cause is varying, one thing or another, and even if sleep comes, I may awake, from pain in multiple places in my body that suffers from arthritis......or the need to hung the porcelain.....one of my meds is a diuretic.......but I'm using  this time to stream a video on YouTube, and bore you with my musings of an old man

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