Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, October 2, 2004

i was exhausted last night, and had the best night sleep i've had in ages, got up a little after 8 and decided to go out to breakfast and then do a little shopping, discovered that the place i usually go to for breakfast isn't open early, but is having a saturday brunch at 10.....well that shot that deal....got some things for the weekly stew and ran into friend rick.....guy from work....he's going to miss sometime here in a bit, has a problem with an eye and needs to get that taken care of......in all that happened i plum forgot to get a couple of things and decided to go out to dinner instead.....well got home kicked around had a light lunch and started the stew....but the beef i had bought was a little thicker that what i normally get so ut took long er then what i had planned...by the time it was done, it was almost 4:30, i was hungry, the weather was foul so i just made some garlic bread i had in the freezer and pigged out on the stew.....
i feel physically ok today but mentally i'm still toast, inventory is not a physical drain as much as a mental one.......

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