Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

well i awoke this morning without a cold.......which really surprised me greatly.....on the downside i am really stiff and sore...the arthritis is flaring a bit this morning so i did pick up some negatives from the chill i took yesterday....i need to run a few errands so will be heading out for a bit but i think i will stay in most of the day.......
cats have been very strange this morning....very clingy.....but it's cold and a bit damp so it;s probably a matter of warmth.......fall.....That's late fall as it slides into winter is definitely with us.....
i had thought about taking another ride today to scout for leaves but i fear that the ride would only take the stiff and sore condition i find myself in and make it worse......i enjoy riding.....looking at the colors and finding old buildings.....interesting views......but the downside is i don't ride well....i get stiff and sore way to easily.......it's better if i ride as opposed to drive......but i can't afford a driver........so...........i declare this day a day of rest.......

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