Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Well I�m back from the �cuse, bought a couple of books at Barnes and Noble, one is an introduction to hieroglyphs, and the other is a dictionary of latin and greek origins of English words. Ok�ok�.probably not what you would normally consider page turners but it is the type of book that I most enjoy. I read very little non-fiction�..
Wet, damp, rainy day�.no golf for trollie to day. But I�m tired and the joints are stiff and sore today so probably would not have played anyways. Stop at dick�s sporting goods while I was out and bought nothing. Didn�t even see anything that I even desired. I must be sick.
Part of the reason for this entry is to �pimp� as it were a new site that a friend has/is setting up. But as I thought about how I wanted to write this I was struck by the fact that I call her friend. Because by all of my previous definitions (that is pre-net definitions) of the term she would not be. I have never seen nicky face to face, we�ve never shared a coffee, never spent an afternoon together, never broken bread�.and in all likelihood never will, we are separated by everything, age, nationality, time, space, distance, in every way except the net.
My first meeting as it were was through a board, since I�ve read her site, we�ve exchanged thru sites, emails, taggies, guestbooks, instant messages and the like�.but friend seems to miss the point�..because in a sense an element is missing and probably always will be�..i guess I need a new word��.a word to describe someone who I know only in a digital, over the net way��I was thinking of calling them� webbies� but then maybe somebody would think that they had, rather odd for humans, feet��..and �netties� just don�t cut it��so I guess that I�m stuck with friends�..because I think that if I did meet several of my �net based friends� the relationship would not end, it could only get better��.
Now before I need to start a new chapter in this book, on to the task at hand. Dippynicky has started a site, that the main focus is to rise awareness of the affliction we call epilepsy
And also maybe raise some money for charities involved in treatment and research of epilepsy. I think it is a fine thing that she is doing and deserves our support, so check out
dippynicky the online procrastinator's
paradise with a purpose.

I think that I in all probability I will start a firestorm here but I am going to create a new header over in my links �Trollie�s Select Sites�, and that dippynicky will be the first entry there. To be select for this place the site will have to be at least in part dedicated to a goal or a purpose for the betterment of the human condition, so if you think you have something that qualifies let me know�

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