Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, April 8, 2006

What a work day, we are on production shutdown this week, so only the maintenance guys and I are working of the “floor”…so they schedule a total hand loaded 20' container for today…312 rolls all handed loaded and the majority around 90 Lbs. per…you got to be kidding…they fortunate ask the mad-beast to come in today and he agreed…but still took us over 3 hours to do…dang…

This is a post of some importance…not the content to be sure…most of the content in this blog frankly isn’t…content that is but I’ve been maintaining this slag heap for almost 3 and a half years now and this is the 2000TH post…dang…who would ever believed I could come up with this much crap…

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