Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

[20:53 UTC-4]
[+51*F..mostly cloudy..winds: southwest@ 11..humidity: 68%..barometer: 30.03"/\]..
[a brief rain shower is predicted for late morning/earl after noon tomorrow]..
[Now Playing: more elevator music[listen]]..
   It's funny how sometimes a random occurrence will trigger a long forgot memory..just before I started to post this I had been vetting new member requests on "The Farthest Side"..and the name of the person I was vetting at the time trigger a memory from my past..and as it often does..it was a song from long ago...from age 8 to age 15 I spent a week or two at a boy's summer camp..and except for the first year was at "Camp Hickory Hill" near Warsaw, NYS..and except if it rained we'd sit around a campfire every night and sing campfire songs..and put on skits..both were pretty silly looking back on it now..but I enjoyed the memory very much..so off to Youtube and actually found a recording of that silly/crazy song [listen]..and those times were over 55 years ago..and I don'y think I've thought of that silly song in years..but as a trigger it brought back fond memories from those weeks spent at camp those many years ago..
  Except for a short walk this afternoon have spent the day in my rooms..most of the morning and early afternoon watching "NCIS" re-runs on the "old boob tube"..and for the most part just watched from the comfort of my recliner..took a "mini-vacation" from my usually playing online games..did play some but not as much as /usual..walked my usual late afternoon/early evening loop but in reverse so that I'd pass by Dollar General just before getting back to my room..and bought a jug of veggie juice which has found it's place in my day's first meal..
  I have something I want to do online in about an hour..so will probably check in on my emails and "The Farthest Side" but plan to just as we use to say back when we connected to the internet through a telephone line...I'm going to "surf the net"..been awhile since I've done that..nite all..

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