Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, October 31, 2020

 *[18:17 UTC-4]+[+39*F_mostly cloudy_winds out of the south@10 mph_humidity:59%_barometer:30.35"\/_overnight lo:+34*F_Sunday's hi/lo:+49*F/+28*F_rain predicted from 10:00 to 22:00..winds from the s/s/w varying between 15 mph & 20 mph..rain heavy at times]*[Tonight on MadTrollie*[Bach]*[[notes]..I spent a significant amount of time re-doing my layout over on "Trollie's Game Room" to allow for the continuing absence of the live poker & blackjack games I've been playing..the postings for them took up a large percent of the postings,,add to it rather then the one sidebar here..that one has doubles which after much fiddling I finally got even..ergo.. my only reasonable option was mess with the widths of the "main body" of the blog..not fun..but with a few more tweaks sure be fine..../....

   It had been my intent to stay pretty much in my rooms most of the day..I had gone to bed just before 20:00 and everything was normal..but about 21:00 awoke and was quite chilled..room was normal temperature I was just cold..now I normally just sleep in my underwear and am fine..but resorted to a hoodie..sweat pants & heavy socks..took awhile to feel warmer but except for a couple of interruptions slept well the rest of the night and never surfaces for good until well after 05:00..but felt fine most of the day a and by mid-afternoon had every thing well in hand..now when I walked yesterday because my right knee was complaining I didn't go to Ollie's but just Dollar General..ergo..off to Ollie's..while checking my budget before hand..had an odd 6 dollars in my "mad money" and decided to take that alone..a container of ground cloves..a package of granola bars..a tin of danish butter cookies & a box of thin mints..went up to checkout and danged if the bill wasn't exactly 6 dollars..I probably couldn't do that  again if I tried..../....Have to remember to re-set the clock by my bed before I go to sleep tonight as the USA is going off Daylight Savings Time@02:00[UTC-4] to Standard Time[UTC-5]..don't have to worry about the computer clock..that usually takes care of its' self..../....a couple more things to button up and a movie to watch..ergo..nite all..../....

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