Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, July 21, 2018

(10:16 UTC-4)
(a YouTube mix)
  though it's just past 10 AM local time, I've taken 3 separate walks, direction, timing and amount to be purchased all factors.....also the heat factored in......first walk mid 60s.....first to the bank (ATM if truth be told).....to visit my money and ask some of it to come play with me....then to a dollar store......paper plates, Powerade, and my morning ice cream.....later to Aldi...I make my own mix of gorp.....aka trail mixed.....and it was time to make a new batch.......some cheese and rolls........I live in a hotel.....and find paper plates easier that actual plates.....
  The mix I'm listening to is all classical choral music, some secular but mostly liturgical ......neat thing is the video doesn't show the choir or a slide show but rather the vocal score, for many years one of my avocations was singing music of the Baroque period, and I would rehearse with a CD playing and the score on my lap.....wish I had had this resource then.....but still even though the voice is long gone, from age and essential tremors......I still hear the parts in my head....

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