Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, January 25, 2019

(20:11 UTC-5)
(+19*F...."feels like" +7*F....snow showers....11 mph winds)
(Now Playing: a mix off Youtube (link))
   We never got the heavy "lake effect snow".....that was predicted....(knock wood)....because they've extended the warning through 10:00 tomorrow morning....what we did get was light snow and winds around 20 miles an hour....and one's better judgement for a walker like myself would have been to stay snug and warm in my rooms....but my judgement has oft been found wanting....I needed to walk...for no better reason than I wanted to walk....oh I had several excuses...oops sound reasons why I had to walk....probably shouldn't have....but did anyways....was going to use the ATM at the bank but it was "on the blink".... and the bank was about to close so I dashed in and got some cash....needed bananas....so across the street to Aldi....also picked up some protein bars....and back to my rooms in one piece....did I mention the sidewalks were impassable....and I had to walk in the street....a very busy street....in poor visibility conditions....at dusk....I'm fortunate not to have ended up as a hood ornament on a SUV....but I got my exercise....I don't think I'll try that again....well at least not until the next time....

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