Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Saturday, November 21, 2020

 *[17:13 UTC-5]*[+39*F_cloudy_winds from the north/north'east@7_humidity:61%_barometer:30.46"/\_overnight lo:+27_Sunday's hi/lo:+48*F/+36*F_winds out of the east@9..rain mixed with snow at times is predicted to begin about 13:00 Sunday and extend thru 08:00 Monday morning]*[This evening on MadTrollie:[Lully];]*

   Dang..my sleep schedule is all messed up..awoke this morning about 03:30 and quickly understood that there was no point in rolling back over..but I've always had problems of one sort or another during the transitions between seasons particularly between Autumn/Winter & Winter/Spring..and among other things it from time to time play hob with my sleep..but once the temperature stops going up and down like a yo-yo I'll be okay..../....I mentioned somewhere below that I will be spending some of the day tomorrow with my brother & his Mrs. for an anticipated Thanksgiving..be off-line from 11:00 local time to ??:??..frankly have not guess one..but I'm pretty sure that I will be back in time for my postings her but the absence will certainly cause a truncating of my normal on-line gaming activities..due to the fact that I must be one of the few holdouts in a civilized society that does not have a "smart phone"..for a few reasons..[1] I'm rarely away from my landline or desktop computer for an extended period..[2] because of my essential tremors I find the attempt to use a touch screen both extremely frustrating & futile....and I have a desktop with a mouse because I'm only slightly better using a mouse pad than I am with a touch screen..even the mouse will  occasionally have a mind of it's own..but both with practice and out of necessity have developed a reasonably effective two-handed mouse technique which works most of the time..../....Was pretty well done by noon with every thing but a few details..with the demise of the poker lots I've been playing I seem to have some time on my hands..today spent some of it watching the first Harry Potter movie and taking what may prove to be one of my last walks around my favorite "loop" until next Spring..../...still a couple things still need my attention..ergo.."nite all"..../....

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