Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Monday, November 9, 2020

 *[18:01 UTC-5]*[+68*F_clear_winds out of the south/south/east@2 mph_humidity:45%_barometer:30.20"\/_ _overnight low:54*F_tomorrow's high/low:72*F/+50*F_partly cloudy_winds out of the south@9 mph]*[Tonight on MadTrollie:[Telemann];]:..[[notes]: the live Poker game has been down again for the last several days so I spent sometime re-setting my layout on "Trollie's Game Room" so it looked as "put together" and was quite happy with it's appearance..I joke that I joke that I don't have OCD..I have CDO..it's the same thing as OCD except I demand that the letters be in alphabetical order..just like it to appear in proper order..of course my definition of proper order is quite strict]..../....

   It was a beautiful sunny day here in the old Northcountry of NYS..but save for a short walk thru the parking lot earlier this afternoon to the lobby to get my afternoon coffee and then a brief sit down on one of the benches to drink said coffee I've not been out of my rooms all day..and except for a trip for coffee or to the morning breakfast buffet have no reason to venture pout until Thursday or Friday unless this nice run of weather ceases..../....with the total dearth of any thing to watch on TV have spent the day online..In 1961 Newton Minow mad his famous speech calling TV the "vast wasteland" and although some would disagree in my not so humble opinion not only has it gotten any better but has sunk even lower..I give you the deluge of so called "reality TV" shows [end rant]..../....4th year in college I had a housemate "DC" who among other forms of wildlife had a woolly monkey..who was a terror..I was sitting in the common room watching something on the TV..and the little guy took my glasses..got them back..he pulled my hair..I pulled his..he bit me..I bit him..after that if he was raising a ruckus..all I had to do was snap my fingers..point to spot on the floor and say his name.."JC"..and he'd come groveling..I guess I was the alpha monkey..anyways I'm studying in the library one Saturday afternoon..when a friend came to me and said "DC" needs you.."Why?".."DC" had brought JC on campus..lost hold of him and JC went up a large oak tree and won't come down..dang..so off I went..a crowd had gathered..which I told to move back..and said JC [in my sternest alpha monkey voice]..snapped my fingers and pointed to my feet..he's looking..I repeated and down he came..DC got him on the leash and I went back to my studies....someday I'll tell you about DC's profane parrot..../....still a couple of things to attend to..ergo.."nite all"...../.....

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