Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, November 20, 2020

 *[16:40 UTC-5]*]+51*F_sunny_winds out of the south/south/west@15 mph_humidity:36%_barometer:30.10"\/_overnight lo:+47*F_Friday's hi/lo:+56*F/+38*F_cloudy_winds out of the south/west@15 mph]*[Playing this evening on MadTrollie:[Hec Ramsey (pilot)];]*

   Today's weather was a big chance from the last couple of day's but having lived in the Northcountry of NYS for over 50 years I know that this time of year the mild weather of the next few days will be sadly short lived..../....I actually slept a decent nice sleep last night for a change..I must have needed it because rather than my usual wake up time of one side or another but this morning never "surfaced" until thus before 04:45 and because of that I've been running a little behind my daily schedule..to many years of running a shipping/receiving'warehousing departments for a small local factory that manufactured drip irrigation equipment I soon realized that the only way to handle the madhouse that that place was was to have a schedule..and got quite good at modifying it on the fly as it were but 99% of the time I got everything done and out the door on time..but scheduling and planning my day has followed me into retirement..I guess force of habit..but there again I am one who much prefers living in an orderly universe..or at least as much as I can arrange it my little piece of it..../....I mentioned last night that the free poker game I had been playing and assumed was gone for good has made a resurrection from the place that video games go when there gone..and so have spent time today trying to re-add those results without major renovations to the layout of "Trollie's Game Room"..the new format for Blogger has been driving me nuts with the way it brakes between lines..but have come up with a couple of tricks to "fool" it..doesn't work every time but the right margin is getting a little better..../....There are a few projects I want to spend some time on but until I get the layout stable on "Trollie's Game Room" they'll have to wait..I've been considering a creating a page or group on FB..still in the planning stages and have several ideas..haven't yet decided which one to to do..../....still a few things to accomplish before I take my rest..../....[figure out what I did..managed to post to the wrong blog..dummkopf]....

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