Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 *[17:31 UTC-5]*[+61*F_sunny_winds out of the south@10_humidity:43%__barometer:30.20"\/_today's hi/lo:+65*F/+50*F_Thursday weather's hi/lo:+65*F/+49*F_winds out of the s/s/w@13 mph]*[This evening on MadTrollie*[Albinoni[]*{continuing an old habit from my college day and trying to study or write papers in among the hubbub of a men's dorm I always listen to music when composing my posts to my blogs]*]*

   It had been my original intent to take my walk to Price Chopper & the convenience store on Thursday..and spend my extra time watching re-runs of NCIS on the USA network..on Wednesday they run episodes from 08:00 to 19:00..usually the first couple of the first ones run are the older ones with Tony & Ziva..and as the day progresses they move to the newer ones sans Tony & Ziva..which I really don't enjoy..so when checking the listings this morning discovered much to my chagrin that all of the episodes scheduled for today were post Tony & Ziva..ergo the walk was rescheduled for today just after 10:30..along with getting a re-fill for one of my meds..I needed some prepared horseradish..a couple of containers of bouillon cubes..both vegetable & beef..but since I can never remember how to spell bouillon..[as/usual had to look it up for this posting]..&..because I'm having none of the "phony" foreign spelling on my shopping list it always appears as "Bullyon"..well it more or less phonetically correct..and some italian peppers..just a short list..I found myself drawn to the deli section and heard a wee small voice calling to me..a lonely package of hot capocollo [dang..I guess spellcheck doesn't like italian cold cuts]..and decided that I must take it back to my rooms..it was the right thing to do..and off to the convenience store for a tube of chew..a little earlier than/usual but just a short detour on my walk..and back to my rooms but it stuck me that yesterday on my walk with the windchill the temperature was +22*F and when I walked today..a quite pleasant 60*..years ago when I went to work in the morning the temperature was 72*F..as I went home about 9 hours later the temperature with windchill was +32*F..ah..Autumn in the Northcountry of upstate New York..../....still one or two things that demand my attention..one of them is a sandwich with a slice or two of the aforementioned capocollo...ergo.."nite all"..../....

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