Watertown, NY, USA . "Public Square" (vintage, date unknown) but the monument is honoring veterans of the American Civil War so the date of the image is late 1800s

Friday, January 26, 2018

(3:12 PM EST)
(Best of Elgar)
  Actually a very nice day for a change......I've mentioned that although temperature is what it is.....but the way it feels is subjective...after a long hot summer 45*F or even 50*F can feel cold......and on a day like today over the past month or so we've had several days at or below 0*F....a day like today with light winds can actually feel warm....of course it isn't warm..it still 36*F....but it feels good and is a huge relief...
  Sidewalks except for a few spots were clear and dry...and with temperatures in the mid 40s*F and rain all that will be left of the snow is the banks left by the snowplows.......and that will be dirty...but snow and colder temperatures are predicted for next week..so the weather over the next few days is a reprieve......back to my walk
   Only needed a couple of items but in truth if I didn't need anything I would have found an excuse to walk..at my age and with the physical limitations of 70+ years walking is not only just about my only form of exercise...but it's more than that...I just love being out and about.....especially in the spring time just maybe 100 yds. from my rooms is a small pond and in the spring times there are 3-6 mated pairs of Canada Geese......and a whole gaggle of little ones...fun to watch from a distance...get too close and mom/dad can get aggressive....and rightly so....in this area there are a large number of breeding pairs on several ponds and a nearby marsh...I get a charge out of the swamp/marsh/wetlands...take you pick...it's called "Beaver Meadow"...and there is also a Blue Heron rookery in the area, as well as cranes and a couple of years back saw an Egret...not to mention because we're close to Lake Ontario a whole bunch of "Flying Rats"...AKA Seagulls...but it's fun to watch.......

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